Engineering the Enterprise as a System

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Rouse, W.B. 2009. "Engineering the Enterprise as a System," in Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management, 2nd ed., edited by A.P. Sage and W.B. Rouse. New York, NY, USA: Wiley and Sons, Inc.



This is a chapter in the essential handbook on SE by Sage and Rouse. It describes how the enterprise can be treated as a system, and as such how SE can contribute to the more efficient and effective running of the enterprise. An enterprise must change to survive. Determining how and when these changes should come about is rather difficult since the enterprise is a continually evolving entity and there is never a clear and complete view of the enterprise as it exists at any moment in time.

Changing something in a purposeful way when that thing is changing continually is the key challenge. This chapter describes how this challenge can be addressed.

SEBoK v. 2.11, released 25 November 2024