Business Process Outsourcing (glossary)

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The transfer of internal business processes, such as customer relationship management, finance & accounting, human resources and procurement, to an external service provider. (Gewald and Rouse 2012)


Gewald, H. and A. Rouse. 2012. "Comparing Business Process and IT Outsourcing Risks--An Exploratory Study in Germany and Australasia," 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), 4-7 Jan. 2012, 275-284. Available at:


The term business process outsourcing is often confounded with "information technology (IT) outsourcing", they are related but not synonymous. IT oriented companies and consultancies often do so. Gartner's definition is a good example: "the delegation of one or more IT-intensive business processes to an external provider that, in turn, owns, administrates and manages the selected processes based on defined and measurable performance metrics."[1]. Any business process may be outsourced.

SEBoK v. 2.11, released 25 November 2024